When I communicate with animals it can be because a client has asked me to or it can be an animal (usually quite evolved) ‘knows’ that I hear them so they just start talking. In either case, there has been a lesson for me in that I need to practice being more discerning in what I reveal and whom I work with. An example happened just last week.
I was ‘hired’ by someone whom is, let’s say, different. I went to her barn as planned to do chiropractic adjustments on her two horses. Immediately upon getting out of my car, I felt ungrounded and surreal. I placed much light and guidance around me to protect and support me. At the onset, she told me to ‘let her know if they have anything to say’, and then she stood back. She knows the protocol for working on a horse. It means put a halter and lead rope on the horse and then hold the lead rope. When she just stood back and leaned against the wall, I had a sense of something VERY ODD.
I put my hands on Pete right over his stomach and liver area. Immediately I smelled old cigarette smoke. I asked the client about who smoked, she said she did but outside the barn.
Pete started talking quickly about the cigarettes are making him nauseas and that he was ‘loaded’ in nicotine. While Pete is talking to me he is saying the F-bomb alot. As I reveal what Pete is saying, the owner is beside herself as to where Pete is picking up and exuding cigarette smoke AND that he is using this profanity. “The other communicator said that he is happy and he loves me”. I just kept doing what I was doing.
The owner questions where Pete could have picked up the nicotine. I indicate that it could be transferred from her skin to his. Also, Pete is quite evolved and he may be picking up on an issue of her health and is now revealing it so she can check it out.
Pete then went on to say that he is essentially without joy in his life and that he wants a yellow cloth to be tied on his mane. The client keeps repeating that she can’t understand his ingratitude.
I then start the same kind of work on another horse named, Kareem. Sweet boy! Polar opposite of Pete. Kareem just wants everything to be fun and funny. He indicates that he wants to run the pasture fences with dogs and horses and goats or sheep.
Pete really enjoyed his session with me. When I would step back, he would step forward, refusing to be untouched just like a needy dog. He was precious!
The entire time, the client is incredulous as to why Pete is in her words, ‘ungrateful for everything she has ever done for him and where he got nicotine from’.
I concluded my time with all, still calling in on my support and guidance teams. I was in an odd space now, and I needed to take my inventory as to what I was experiencing.
When I got home it became clear, I needed to be more discerning!